Thursday, December 22, 2011

Phillips & Crown - NEW & IMPROVED

Hey Hey Hey!  Look at this brand new HARD SELL poster that Andrew Johnston hand crafted for us!
Looks like the label on some kind of independently branded calcium and rust remover.  "Order Now and get a free Phillips & Crown Scum Bucket and Drain Scraper!!!"

Andrew is also having us on his Podcast on Tuesday!  Be sure to listen in!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Phillips & Crown Holiday Climax Blowout Spectacular!!!

On Dec 30. Phillips & Crown are having a funeral for 2011 and it's going to be a blast!
Join us for an evening of singing, dancing and tape on our face at the nifty Flying Beaver Pubaret in Cabbagetown!   The show is hosted by the incredible, incorrigible Lex Vaughn!  Featuring the marvelous music of Emilie Mover!   This is night is bound to become known as "the night New Years Eve came a day and half early!"  
Tickets to this show make an ideal gift for the person who already has everything or the person you're not willing to spend more than $10 on.
(Get 'em online because the price goes up at the door. )

What is a Phillips & Crown And how do I use it?

Good afternoon everybody!

We are Phillips & Crown:

Individually (right to left) we are Kathleen Phillips and Katie Crown
Together we are a musical comedy duo from Toronto.  In Canada Phillips & Crown have been described as "Super Good!" and "Holy Sh*t!" We have been recognized by our country as leaders in the field of insanely hilarious mini-operettas.  We know what it's like to have a formal nomination for a prestigious national award bestowed upon us. We also know what it's like to have people interested in what makes us tick. What we do is of MAJOR importance so we've developed this blogger blog so you can keep tabs on all the latest P&C news.  You're welcome. xoxoxoxoxox.